We’ve Moved to Medium

We’ve moved the Transparent Statistics in HCI blog to Medium. Here are our previous posts:

Updates to the CHI Submission and Reviewing Guides Promote Open Research Practices

Steve Haroz · 2019/08/01

Over the past year, members of Transparent Statistics in HCI have worked with people across various disciplines of the HCI community and chairs of the conference (full contributor list below) to update the CHI guides for a successful submission and for reviewing. These new instructions aim to increase the transparency and openness of several facets of research, including: decisions performed materials created or used data collected Making these facets of research accessible can enable reviewers and readers to better assess HCI research, facilitate industry to build upon and apply HCI research, and help HCI researchers to more efficiently use past research to make new advances. Read more…

Can we call mean differences “effect sizes”?

Pierre Dragicevic · 2018/07/05

The current draft of the transparent statistics guidelines has an FAQ and exemplar on effect sizes. During a meeting we ran at CHI to collect feedback, a participant strongly objected to our use of the term “effect size” in the guidelines. This prompted me to investigate further to make sure we haven’t missed anything in deciding the terminology. Here is what I found. We should report effect sizes. But what are effect sizes? Read more…



Transparent Research in Human Computer Interaction
Transparent Research in Human Computer Interaction

Written by Transparent Research in Human Computer Interaction

An organization devoted to scientific reporting whose purpose is scientific advancement rather than persuasion

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